Artist Statement

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My work is a melding of materials and approaches.  Starting with a color, a shape, a photo, a doodle, sometimes an intention, the work reveals itself layer by layer.  I am present to a process of listening and responding, following a thread as it weaves from one stage to the next to the next. 

I pay attention to my surroundings and my longings - engaging in a dance between impulse and environment, trust and curiosity.  Layers of faith and fabric, patience and paint, the pieces begin to speak their stories and I do my best to quiet my mind and listen.

I am grateful that creating helps me be with the tight squeezes in life - those places that sometimes "take you down a peg," yet reveal something deeper about you and life, bringing you down to earth, humbled, in a healthy way.  There's nothing like creativity to bring a re-calibration, a re-set, a way to see things differently.


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About Me

I am an explorer of inner realms and mixed media.

I thrive viewing other artists' work and reading about their creative process.

I love writing poetry, paring down words to essence.

I am fascinated by people's faces and stories.

I adore our animal sisters and brothers.

I hold close to my heart the poignant reality of the impermanence of life. 

I live in Northern California with my life partner and kidney donor, Michael.

"I love to laugh, loud and long and clear."  — Mary Poppins

If we meet in person someday, let's share a story and a good laugh or two.

Gallery Shows & Speaking Engagements

Guest Speaker, John F. Kennedy University, Psychology & Creativity Class, 2015 & 2016

First Prize, Re-Imaging of Mary Magdalene, Cloister Gallery, Houston, TX, 2015

Earth Medicine Curated Show, AWE Gallery, San Francisco, CA, 2014

Included in, An Artist's Perspective, U.N. Commission on the Status of Women and Women’s Rights, 2014

Featured Speaker presenting, "Strange Grace and the Dark Boon Lady,"  Heart Gathering Retreat, Mill Valley, 2013.

Mary Magdalene Curated Show, AWE Gallery, San Francisco, CA 2013

Teachers & Education

I am fortunate to have had many teachers and educational experiences that have informed my art and work over the years:  B.A. in Art from Maharishi University of Management, Three-Year Certification in Textile Arts at Pacific Basin School of Textile Arts, Specialization in Weaving, Institute of Color Training for creating Individualized Personal Color Palettes, A fourteen day Japanese Art and Textile Tour, Hypnotherapy Training at HCH Institute, Three-Year Certification in Somatic Experiencing, a process for resolving symptoms of PTSD, Shiloh Sophia McCloud's Red Madonna Year- Long Intentional Creativity Painting Program and Color of Woman Training in Intentional Creativity, Classes with Sue Hoya Sellars, Nicholas Wilton's Art2Live Seven-Month Mentorship Program.

I was a Senior Teacher in Waking Down in Mutuality for sixteen years and am now, a Teacher of Trillium Awakening, a Three-fold Path of Consciousness, Embodiment and Mutuality.  

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Some Influences, resonances, loves...Japanese textiles and kimonos, Christian Iconography, altars of all kinds, Tibetan thangkas, beautiful beads, Hindu Goddesses and Gods...